Additional Terms and Conditions on Cross-Border Remittance Service (PRC)

  1. Reference is made to SHOPLINE Payments Terms and User Agreement to which you are a party. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in SHOPLINE Payments Terms and User Agreement. SHOPLINE Payments Terms and User Agreement continue to govern your use of SHOPLINE Payments Service and are incorporated herein by reference. You hereby agree to be bound by these Additional Terms and Conditions on Cross-Border Remittance Service (PRC) (“Terms”). These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and SHOPLINE Payments.
  2. SHOPLINE Payments has contractual relationship and maintains certain master user accounts with certain third-party cross-border remittance service providers (“Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers”), under which Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers have agreed to provide cross-border remittance service to the customers of SHOPLINE Payments (“Cross-Border Remittance Service”). You, as a merchant based in the People’s Republic of China (solely for the purpose herein, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) (the “PRC”), wish to use Cross-Border Remittance Service to transfer the Payouts to which you are entitled to your bank account in the PRC.
  3. The services provided by SHOPLINE Payments under these Terms are limited to (a) converting your Payouts in a foreign currency into CNY with a bank or money service operator, and transferring your Payouts (net of the applicable service fees and charges) to the relevant Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers for their further processing; (b) assisting you in integrating with the relevant Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers’ program or interface (if applicable); and (b) facilitating your use of Cross-Border Remittance Service to the extent feasible and practical. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, SHOPLINE Payments makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the services provided hereunder. You hereby authorize SHOPLINE Payment to provide the said services and accordingly deal with Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers on your behalf. You acknowledge and agree that SHOPLINE Payments provides the services hereunder for your convenience only. You are aware that the actual Cross-Border Remittance Service is provided and operated by Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers.
  4. The service fees in connection our services hereunder and Cross-Border Remittance Service (the “Service Fee”) are set out in your SHOPLINE Dashboard. The rate of Service Fees is subject to changes from time to time, and we will serve you a thirty (30) day notice before any change of rate becomes effective. You agree to pay the Service Fees and that we may deduct the amount of Service Fees from the Payouts payable to you.
  5. The currency exchange rate that applies to Cross-Border Remittance Service shall be the current exchange rate we adopt from time to time in the conversion between the relevant foreign currency and CNY in your SHOPLINE Dashboard. In determining the applicable currency exchange rate, we may refer to the rate published by the Bank of China (Hong Kong).
  6. You hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers (including any updates, additions, and amendments thereto) (“Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers Terms”). The initial Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers Terms are appended to these Terms as Schedule A and form an integral part of these Terms. Any Cross-Border Remittance Service Provider shall be an intended third-party beneficiary of these Terms. If any Cross-Border Remittance Service Provider and you may be deemed to have established any contractual relationship under the applicable Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers Terms, SHOPLINE Payments shall be an intended third party beneficiary of such contractual relationship and shall have the right to enforce the applicable Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers Terms against you.
  7. You shall indemnify and hold SHOPLINE Payments, its affiliates, and their respective directors, employees, agents and service providers harmless for and against any and all damages, losses, costs and expenses arising out of or resulting from any breach of any provision of these Terms by you.
  8. You acknowledge that SHOPLINE has agreed to indemnify and hold Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers harmless for some, and in some cases, all of your liabilities under the applicable Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers Terms. Insofar as SHOPLINE Payments becomes liable to any Cross-Border Remittance Service Provider or any other third party for any penalties, fines, fees, or other liabilities under or in respect of Cross-Border Remittance Service Providers Terms, you agree to indemnify and hold SHOPLINE Payments harmless from and against any and all such liabilities.

( Last updated on: November 16, 2020 )



本协议由通联支付网络服务股份有限公司广东分公司(简称“本公司”或“通联支付”),与通过“SHOPLINE Payments Service”(按SHOPLINE Payments Terms and User Agreement所定义)使用本公司服务的用户(简称“您”或“用户”)签订。 您确认,您通过“SHOPLINE Payments Service”接受本公司的服务,您已充分阅读、理解并接受本协议的全部内容,一旦您使用通联支付服务,即表示您同意遵循本协议之所有约定及其更新版本。本公司提醒您认真阅读、充分理解本协议各条款,特别是以粗体加下划线标注部分。如您不同意接受本协议的任意内容,或者无法准确理解相关条款含义的,请不要进行后续操作。

  1. 服务内容:指本公司按照中国人民银行人民币跨境支付业务的相关管理规定,直接向您提供的人民币结算、信息申报等跨境支付业务(以下简称“本服务”)。
  2. 服务流程:您或您授权的电商服务商向通联支付提出服务申请,通联支付审核通过后,会根据您的服务申请,代表您进行相关信息申报,您委托机构将您在境外跨境电商平台(简称“平台”)从事跨境贸易所得资金(简称“结算资金”)划转到通联支付的银行账户,进行跨境后,将人民币资金支付至您指定的中国大陆(除港、澳、台)境内银行用户自有人民币账户。
  3. 服务类型:仅限于中国人民银行监管法规政策允许的跨境交易所产生的资金跨境,交易类型包括货物贸易和服务贸易。如您将本协议约定之外的结算资金通过通联支付提供的跨境服务进行结算,或您要求提供的支付服务违反中国法规政策,则通联支付有权拒绝和停止为您提供服务。
  4. 本公司有权委托本公司合作银行为您进行信息申报和支付等业务处理。具体操作时限以本公司通知(通知形式包括但不限于通过机构相关页面或系统公布)为准。
  1. 您是中国大陆境内的自然人、法人或经营主体。当您向本公司发出服务申请后,同意并授权机构可将您的认证身份信息、银行账户信息、跨境交易明细信息等发送通联支付,并由通联支付按照中国人民银行及其它监管的要求对您提供的信息进行认证和审核。该认证信息包括但不限于:姓名(企业名称)、身份证号码(组织机构代码)、证件有效期、开户银行、银行账号、银行账户名称、联系方式、店铺信息等。
  2. 您同意并授权,在您向本公司发送服务申请后,您同意机构有权将您在平台的相关交易信息发送给本公司,并将您在平台或机构的贸易资金按您的委托指示、划付至本公司指定的收款银行账户。交易信息包括但不限于收款人身份信息、收款账户、跨境贸易明细信息等。
  3. 您保证您所提交的所有信息和资料真实、准确、完整,不存在违反法律、法规或涉嫌侵犯他人权利情形,且您使用本服务应符合相关法律法规及监管部门的规定,否则一切损失由您承担。通联支付有权向您追究因您的任何违法违规行为对通联支付产生的法律责任、不利影响或者其它损失。
  4. 您应保证您提供的人民币收款银行账户信息准确无误。若由于您提供的收款银行账户信息有误导致资金汇入错误的银行账户,本公司对此不承担任何责任。当出现任何不准确或错误的付款时,本公司应采取合理的措施协助您追踪并在合理可能时追回该款项,但本公司对于无法追回的款项不承担任何责任。若由于您提供的收款银行账户信息错误而造成入账错误或退款,本公司有权不退回已向您收取的服务费。如您提交的人民币收款银行账户信息有误而造成的人民币转账交易失败,通联支付应通过机构提示用户该错误信息,由用户自行修改收款银行账户信息后,通联支付会根据新的收款信息进行人民币转账,额度等同于转账失败的人民币金额。
  5. 您承诺不会将服务项下的任何权利和义务转让给第三方。
  1. 在您向本公司发送服务申请后,通联支付有权根据中国人民银行其它监管部门的相关业务管理条例进行审核。对于审核未通过的服务申请,有权拒绝为您提供服务,并将已收到的结算资金退回至原付款账户。
  2. 通联支付仅在收到机构划付款项后,才会为您提供跨境支付服务。
  3. 本公司有权将您的身份信息、交易信息、交易明细等信息同步给本公司合作银行或为了向您提供本服务而必须获得以上信息的有权机构。
  4. 您在机构按本服务流程所确认的交易状态将成为通联支付为您处理交易的不可撤销的指令。通联支付有权按相关指令依据本协议约定对款项进行处理。
  5. 通联支付对您的保密信息采取最严格的保密措施。保密信息包括但不限于您的身份信息、支付信息、交易信息等。除用于履行本协议,通联支付或通联支付的员工不得以其他目的使用保密信息。通联支付应采取所有合理措施,包括但不限于至少采取保护其自有保密信息和高度敏感信息时采取的措施,以保护您的保密信息免于被未经授权使用或无意披露。如果通联支付知悉任何违反有关披露方保密信息保密义务的事件,应立即通知您。通联支付承诺会要求合作银行履行不低于本条款规定的保密义务。
  6. 通联支付不得利用服务以及您的结算资金从事任何违法、违规,侵权或犯罪活动。
  1. 不可抗力指双方在订立协议时不能预见、对其发生和后果不能避免且不能克服的事件。若由于不可抗力致使一方未能全部或部分履行本协议不构成违约,本协议内受影响之条款可在不能履行之期间及受影响之范围内中止履行。给对方、用户或其他第三方造成损失的,该方不承担损害赔偿责任,但该方应采取合理措施且及时通知相关方,防止损失进一步扩大。
  2. 因不可抗力或者其他意外事件,使得本协议的履行不可能、不必要或者无意义的,双方可以协商解除本协议。
  3. 不可抗力包括但不限于:
    1. 自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行和风暴等;
    2. 社会事件如战争、动乱、法律法规变化、政府行为等;
    3. 黑客攻击、互联网病毒、电信设备、系统等出现故障导致数据不能正常传输;
    4. 电力系统问题、电信部门技术调整等原因导致的服务中断或延迟。
  4. 通联支付系统维护或升级且已在系统维护或升级前的合理时间(至少提前5个工作日)内通知您的,通联支付不承担损害赔偿责任,但应采取措施防止损失扩大。

( 最新版本生效日期:2020年11月16日 )